Is it possible to convert fillTypes to an other fillType to use it as input in my productions?
Wheat, Barley, Oat convert to corn and corn is used as input and for production storage.
Is it possible to convert fillTypes to an other fillType to use it as input in my productions?
Wheat, Barley, Oat convert to corn and corn is used as input and for production storage.
As I understand it, you want to rewrite the filltypes in your production, don't you?
there are some videos on youtube that explain the realtiv simple.
Maybe one of our users here can explain it to you, or change the production and send it to you as a PM.
You don`t need to convert anything.
Just rewrite the inputs e.g. the filltypes at the production you want to change.
Go to the xml-file and look at inputs and outputs and try to understand the recipe and what is used for.
Once you have understood this, you should be able to change any production in the way you want to.
Sorry for my bad english, too less practice...
Thank you for your help but you understand me wrong.
At the moment i have for every fillType/fruitType as input a recype with the same output fillType.
With the convert of the inputTypes to for exsample CORN i want to change it to one recype for all without use of REVAMP.
I have seen it is used for straw in the map_fillType to convert fruitTypes to straw for cutter.
At Youtube i have only find this and not for fillTypes in productions.
<fillTypeConversion incomingFillType="WHEAT" outgoingFillType="MAIZE" ratio="1" />
should work for you.