Beiträge von FarmerCoder
Thanks!!!! for is extremely valuable series of comments.
Knowing FS22 limitation's with Blender
OBJ is unable to export MergedMeshes.
And Merged objects are always contained in the main object
both something I didn't realize
I now see why this approach is needed!
If you want to change something: delete everything that is unnecessary and only export the main object and break it down into its individual parts in Blender.
I wonder is the Subject of this request should be changed so others new to FS22 <-> Blender can find this Help
I'm new to modding, english speaker. Is it correct GE wants only one material for each object,.
When skinBindNodeIds is listed in a visual object, this mean disassembling the complex mesh is often needed to work on the mod in blender
When the term skinBindNodeIds is used does that require separating the mesh into parts to work on it in GE.??????
Here's an example of a modHub Tractor with a visual using the skinBindNodeIds with many nodes listed
In this mod from modhub the visual section has this coding
<TransformGroup name="visuals" clipDistance="300" nodeId="352">
<Shape shapeId="41" name="body" clipDistance="300" nodeId="353" materialIds="5" castsShadows="true" receiveShadows="true" skinBindNodeIds="353 289 435 439 471 479 486 495 567"/>
<Shape shapeId="42" name="hydraulic1" translation="0 -0.060968 -2.64609" clipDistance="75" nodeId="354" materialIds="11" castsShadows="true" receiveShadows="true" skinBindNodeIds="354 222 291 292 296"/>
<Shape shapeId="43" name="fendt_logo_cap" rotation="4.36557 0 0" clipDistance="300" nodeId="355" materialIds="5" castsShadows="true" receiveShadows="true"/>
I too saw the error in log after update today
( Auch ich habe nach dem heutigen Update diesen Fehler im Protokoll gesehen )
2022-08-22 09:53 data/sky/rain.i3d (2.38 ms)
2022-08-22 09:53 data/sky/snow.i3d (1.79 ms)
2022-08-22 09:53 The texture streaming needs <UvUsage> to work efficiently, custom shader: data/fs19support/shaders/buildingShader.xml
2022-08-22 09:53 Error: Custom shader hash collision
Here's an example from Hof Bergmann Notice the closing tag for </unloadTrigger> It might be a typo in the code you attempted
No German speaker
Hier ist ein Beispiel von Hof Bergmann Beachten Sie den schließenden Tag für </unloadTrigger> Es könnte sich um einen Tippfehler im Code handeln, den Sie versucht haben
Code<unloadingStation supportsExtension="true" storageRadius="19" hideFromPricesMenu="true"> <unloadTrigger exactFillRootNode="exactFillRootNodeStraw" fillTypes="STRAW"> <baleTrigger triggerNode="baleTrigger" deleteLitersPerSecond="200"/> </unloadTrigger> <unloadTrigger fillTypes="MANURE" /> </unloadingStation>
Code example that isn't working