Beiträge von HeniJimdrix

    Lösch mal alles, was du da eingetragen hast und ersetze es mit diesem hier:

    Spoiler anzeigen

    <!-- hof tore -->

    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_a">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_ROLLDOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_ROLLDOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of left door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 3.5" />


    <part node="2"> <!--index of right door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 -1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 -3.5" />




    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_b">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_ROLLDOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_ROLLDOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of left door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 3.5" />


    <part node="2"> <!--index of right door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 -1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 -3.5" />




    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_c">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_ROLLDOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_ROLLDOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of left door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 3.5" />


    <part node="2"> <!--index of right door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 -1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 -3.5" />




    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_d">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_ROLLDOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_ROLLDOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of left door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 3.5" />


    <part node="2"> <!--index of right door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="0 2.64 -1.205" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="0 2.64 -3.5" />




    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_e">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_ROLLDOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_ROLLDOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of left door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="1.395 2.8 0" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="4.1 2.8 0" />


    <part node="2"> <!--index of right door node-->

    <keyFrame time="0" translation="-1.395 2.8 0" />

    <keyFrame time="1.00" translation="-4.1 2.8 0" />




    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_f">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_DOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenGateDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of Door node-->

    <Keyframe time="0" translation="0 2.8 3.045" rotation="0 0 0"/>

    <Keyframe time="1" translation="0 2.8 3.045" rotation="0 -145 0"/>


    <part node="2"> <!--index of Door node-->

    <Keyframe time="0" translation="0 2.8 -3.045" rotation="0 0 0"/>

    <Keyframe time="1" translation="0 2.8 -3.045" rotation="0 145 0"/>




    <animatedObject index="farm_tor_g">

    <controls posKey="ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" triggerNode="0" posText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR" negText="input_ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_DOOR" />

    <sound file="maps/sounds/OpenGateDoorSound.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="0.80" indoorVolumeFactor="0.55" indoorLowpassGain="0.85" pitchMax="1.15" />

    <animation initialTime="0" duration="4">

    <part node="1"> <!--index of Door node-->

    <Keyframe time="0" translation="0 2.8 3.045" rotation="0 0 0"/>

    <Keyframe time="1" translation="0 2.8 3.045" rotation="0 -145 0"/>


    <part node="2"> <!--index of Door node-->

    <Keyframe time="0" translation="0 2.8 -3.045" rotation="0 0 0"/>

    <Keyframe time="1" translation="0 2.8 -3.045" rotation="0 145 0"/>




    Sorry, ich weiss nicht wie man den spoiler benutzt :heul:

    Sie stehen alle in deiner Log.

    Error: index 'farm_tor_a' not found in AnimatedObject xml 'C:/Users/HP-PC/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Stappenbach17/maps/animatedObjects.xml'

    Hier fehlt der Eintrag für "farm_tor_a"

    Dir fehlen also die "farm_tor_a" bis "farm_tor_g" Einträge in deiner animatedObjects.xml Datei.

    Ein Pfad zu einem shader stimmt auch nicht.

    Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/HP-PC/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Stappenbach17/maps/textures/shaders/buildingShader.xml'.

    Hallo mario,

    ich habe mir mal den 3133 angesehen. Ich glaube nicht, das es sich lohnt den zu konvertieren. Texturen sehen nicht so schön aus. Sie haben auch zwei "Error Uv out of range" Da müsste eine komplett neue Textur gelegt werden, denke ich. (ich kenn mich mit Texturen usw leider gar nicht aus) Die Kühlergrilltexturen sind komlpett verzogen.

    Hier mal ein paar Bilder aus dem Editor.

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