Beiträge von ocb84

    Hi my name is cato/ocb84 and im 36 years old from Norway

    i can read and understand german,but not write or talk german (yet ,im trying to learn)

    Im a loyal player,if i find a map that i like i stick with it,i check new maps out but 9,5/10 times,i dont change my main maps that i play

    favourit maps have been

    fs13 : springhill valley,bitaddon,westbridge hills and hagenstedt

    fs 15 : none

    fs 17 : oakfield

    fs 19 : Gemeinde Rade ,Geiselberg ,Kandelin ,MVP19 and Oakfield

    I have been playing fs since fs13, but i skipped fs 15 as i had to many cool mods in 13 and i didnt want to leave 13 yet.

    When seasons launced in fs17 everything changed,and i really fell in love with the fs series,oakfield with 12 day season,i have over 1700 hours on that save.

    I didnt start playing fs 19 until seasons was launched,i kept playing fs 17 until seasons was launched for 19.playing fs for me without seasons is almost impossible

    my current games in 19 are

    Geiselberg 12 day season on my 12th year

    Gemeinde Rade 12 day season on my 10th year

    Oakfield 9 day season 2nd year

    Kandelin MP 9 day season 5th year

    Gemeinde Rade MP 6day season 7th year

    I would love to learn to mod,as im a MASSIVE deutz fan i would love to try to make deutz combines or mowers or foragewagons

    I have my own server and we are always looking for new players,we play as realistic as we can,so if you are a quiet player that love to spend 6 hours on a friday evening plowing a 1HA field,you are more than welcome to join us ,as all on my server are slow and realistic,our goal is to have fun and enjoy a awesome game and a awesome community :)

    From cato best regards,stay safe,enjoy life <3