Beiträge von MikeFS


    Kein problem. Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort

    MfG, Mike

    Dear farmers,

    I have two questions.
    I am currently working on an update to remove some minor errors from a map.
    I hope there are people here who want to help me with the problems.

    I have on google wanted of there a explanation about to be found.
    Unfortunately my search has not been achieved.
    Is there a possibility to a map what 90 + 45 turn the fields help kind word.

    I made the map entirely out Google Earth.
    I stay with this problem sit.

    Ask Two:
    When you are in the game, and you click on the ESC key.
    You can see the PDA Map. And if you turn the wheat off the fruit.
    Then the wheat is gone all over the map. If you turn the wheat back on, it will be visible again everywhere.
    I would like to solve this problem.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Best regards,