Fehler beim Mapbau

  • Halo liebes FBM Forum!

    Ich bin Derzeit bei Mapbau und bekomme einen Fehler einfach nicht weg.

    Ich denke mal das es die BGA ist, bin mir aber nicht sicher.

    Ich habe schon die standard BGA aus der

    Goldcrast Valley eingebaut und alles ausgetauscht,

    aber der Fehler bleibt bestehen

    Ich hoffe man kann mir hier helfen :)

    Spoiler anzeigen

    GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (15681) 64bit (Build Date: Dec 7 2017)

    Copyright (c) 2008-2017, GIANTS Software GmbH (giants-software.com), All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright (c) 2003-2017, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.

    Application: FarmingSimulator2017

    Main System

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600 CPU @ 3.50GHz

    Memory: 16329 MB

    OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit

    Physics System

    Version: 5.9.5

    Thread(s): 2

    Input System

    Keyboard enabled

    Mouse enabled

    Gamepad/Joystick enabled

    Force Feedback disabled

    Audio System

    Driver: OpenAL

    Version: 1.1

    Device: Generic Software

    Render System

    Driver: Direct 3D 11

    Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

    Version: (23.3.2018)

    Revision: 161

    Feature level: DirectX 11 ON

    Info: Effective window resolution 1920 x 1080

    Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'

    Hardware Profile

    Level: Custom Very High

    View Distance Factor: 1.300000

    Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Size: 4096 Filter-Size: 16

    Shader Quality: 3

    Skip Mipmaps: 0

    LOD Distance Factor: 1.300000

    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000

    Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes

    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.600000

    Max dynamic foliage View Distance Factor: 1.600000

    Foliage Density: 1.000000

    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.750000

    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000

    Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 5

    Max. Number of Lights: 512

    Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32

    MSAA: 0

    Farming Simulator 17

    Version: b1847

    Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr

    Language: de

    Time: 2018-04-20 12:48:06

    Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'

    Register configuration 'attacherJoint'

    Register configuration 'frontloader'

    Register configuration 'motor'

    Register configuration 'baseColor'

    Register configuration 'wheel'

    Register configuration 'rimColor'

    Register configuration 'design'

    Register configuration 'designColor'

    Register configuration 'vehicleType'

    Game vehicle types loaded

    Load dlc: pdlc_kuhnPack (Version:

    Load dlc: pdlc_ropaPack (Version:

    Load mod: sl (Version: 1.0)

    Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod sl to use it in multiplayer.

    Warning: Missing l10n for button LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK in sl

    Warning: Missing l10n for button ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_GATE in sl

    Warning: Missing l10n for button ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_GATE in sl

    Register configuration 'wrappingColor'

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.subsoiler

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineCultivator

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.turnOnCultivator

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.windrower_workMode

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.extendedBaleWrapper

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.balerWrapper

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineKuhnTF1500

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_ropaPack.attachableCombine_slopeCompensation

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_ropaPack.combine_anim_articAxis_slopeCompensation

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_ropaPack.loaderVehicle_cylinderedAnimations

    Register vehicle type: pdlc_ropaPack.extendedDynamicMountAttacherTrailer

    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/scripts/ShipFS17'.

    Script FS LOAD

    dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.10) ms

    dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.09) ms

    dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.08) ms

    data/sky/skyUS_day_night.i3d (10.12) ms

    data/sky/rain.i3d (2.33) ms

    data/sky/hail.i3d (1.00) ms

    data/sky/dust.i3d (0.60) ms

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/BACKSTEIN.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/pipe.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/GLAS.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/BRETTER_ALT.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/GELB_SCHWARZ.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/WOOD.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/DACH.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/Gitter.dds'.

    Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/Expo/Kuh/New/HOFKOMPLEX/fensterelement_diffuse.dds'.

    C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/map01.i3d (979.28) ms

    Error: getChildAt index out of range.

    LUA call stack:

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (202) : getChildAt

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (24) : load

    Error: getChildAt index out of range.

    LUA call stack:

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (203) : getChildAt

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (24) : load

    Error: getChildAt index out of range.

    LUA call stack:

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (204) : getChildAt

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (24) : load

    Warning (Script): Unknown entity id 0 in method 'getWorldTranslation'.

    LUA call stack:

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (206) : getWorldTranslation

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (24) : load

    Warning (Script): Unknown entity id 0 in method 'getWorldTranslation'.

    LUA call stack:

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (207) : getWorldTranslation

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (24) : load

    Warning (Script): Unknown entity id 0 in method 'getWorldTranslation'.

    LUA call stack:

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (208) : getWorldTranslation

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua (24) : load

    Error: Running LUA method 'BunkerSilo.onCreate'.

    dataS/scripts/objects/BunkerSilo.lua(210) : attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'hx' (a nil value)

    Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/maps/map01.xml'

    C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/

    FabrikScript v2.1.4: FabrikScript.onCreate(12416) load Fertilizer

    C:/Users/Calli/OneDrive/Dokumente/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/sl/

    FabrikScript v2.1.4: FabrikScript.onCreate(12497) load Saatgut

    Disabled withering

    data/vehicles/steerable/zetor/zetorForterraHD.i3d (52.85) ms

    data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d (8.20) ms

    data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollToolShovel.i3d (15.60) ms

    data/vehicles/tools/kverneland/kvernelandQualidisc3m.i3d (18.88) ms

    data/vehicles/tools/kverneland/kvernelandAccordDL.i3d (24.06) ms

    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT6.i3d (42.09) ms

    data/vehicles/trailers/kroeger/kroegerHKD302.i3d (29.08) ms

    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIH1660.i3d (60.29) ms

    data/vehicles/cutters/caseIH/caseIH1030Cutter.i3d (39.30) ms

    data/vehicles/steerable/zetor/zetorProximaPower.i3d (41.56) ms

    data/vehicles/trailers/metaltech/db8000.i3d (35.04) ms

    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHolland8340.i3d (35.95) ms

    data/vehicles/tools/amazone/amazoneUF1201.i3d (20.79) ms

    data/vehicles/tools/lizard/lizardWeight550.i3d (4.35) ms

  • Lies dir dazu mal folgendes durch, weil m.E. bei Dir Indexe (besser Indices) angegeben sind, die wohl so in der TG nicht exitieren:


    oder im offi gibt es dazu auch einige Einträge - man müsste sich im GE die Ordnerstruktur und -inhalte genauer angucken, um dir helfen zu können - z.B. Indexe verschoben?!