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Motor Configuration
(6506, 6600, 6800, 6900)
Wheel brand configuration
(Trelleborg, Michelin, Mitas)
Wheel configuration
(Standard Full rim Wide Wide full rim-Back twin wheels-Wide back twin wheels-Full rim back twin wheels-Full rim
wide back twin wheels-Twin wheels-Wide twin wheels-Full rim twin wheels-Full rim wide twin wheels and just for
Trelleborg and Michelin narrow wheels and narrow back twin wheels)
Front Attacher configuration
(Bracket 300kg 500kg 700kg 900kg 1000kg Front hydraulic)
Design configuration
VehicleType configuration
Front loader configuration
(Without-Stoll-Hauer-Aloe-John Deere)
Design color for Frontloader consoles
(Stole balck-John Deere green-Aloe black-Hauer black)
Shield configuration
Steering knob configuration
Transmission configuration
(PowerQuad-PowrQuad Premium)
Front worklights configuration
Front fenders configuration
Passenger seat configuration
Cabine box configuration
Beacons configuration
Rearview mirror configuration
Front window configuration
IC Control
Mod is full animated
!!Log is clean and free of errors and mod is also tested on MP!!
Administrator -
9. Oktober 2019 um 11:33 -
Added new PowrQuad transmission, now there are 3 transmission configurations
Transmissions are now fully animated (gears,shifts,reversers..)
Now there is IC to select between foot thorttle and hand thorttle
New sounds
One little error with texture is solved (Now is error free 100%, sorry for that)
This is I think now final version!!Do not reuplaod this mod!!
!!Enjoy!! -
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
6. Oktober 2019 um 17:11 -