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If you are farming simulator purist then this map is not for you,
because this map has many tasks to do instead of cultivating, harvesting, feeding animals etc.
- This map is a modification of Estancia Lapacho.
- This is a version for FS19 of Mining & Construction Economy map.
Warning: Very Important, you need Global Company mod on your mods folder,
if you don´t have Global Company mod on your mods folder the map will not work correctly.
This version do not support Seasons mod, if you play the map with Seasons mod selected, the game don´t start.
Needed Mods:
Version 0.6
Administrator -
8. Februar 2020 um 11:17 -
Changelog (v0.6):
- Water and tires fill speed increased
- The elevation bridge now can be lifted manual and auto
- augerwagon bulk (to transport woodchips for example).
- new construction site (swimmingpool) with sell point to sell concrete, only can be sell if use a concrete pump.
- teleport system to move the player around the map (only the player, not machinery).
- New lights on refinery and bricks plant.
- New material, crude to sell on harbor (only can be if use the boat) and make TAR on refinery.
- New site to extract crude and harbor to load crude.
- New position for gardenstone pallets when is produce.
- Capacity increased on mine silos for train.
- New road between the bricks plant and lithium plant.
- New entrance to lithium plant.
- Two new houses to sleep.
- New farmland add on start (construction site) to allow start digging.
- Increased to 5000L the capacity of diesel tank on gradenstone processor.
Version 0.0.5
Administrator -
23. November 2019 um 14:27 -
Changelog (v0.5):
- Fixed the problem on winehouse and gold mine (restart production).
- Increased the capacity of Lime silo
- Decreased the comsuption of diesel on stonegarden processor
- Add a elevation bridge on the river way between the mine 3 and 2
- Add more signs on harbor to identify triggers
- New Scrapyard v4 (loading tires)
- Storage silos at mines now works on Multiplayer. -
Version 0.4.1 Platinum
Administrator -
30. Oktober 2019 um 12:06 -
0.4.1 PlatinumV0.4.1 Platinum
- Fixed the bug second train not load Diesel
- Removed two trees place on the sky
- Work sound volume reduced from Lithium Excavator
v0.4 Platinum
- New Mine for Clay Extraction
- New Mine for Lithium Extraction
- New facility for bricks production
- New facility for Lithium production
- Removed some pallets from store
- Toutvenant texture impovement
- Align Aspahlt and Concrete trigger
- Lime selling Points (Train & truck)
- Increased some sell Prices
- New Diesel Storage on Mine 3
- BoardPallets sell points compatible with sawmill placeable (bretter)
- New type of triggers for Gold, Steel, Grapejuice, Portwine, RedWine, Stonegarden.
- Reduced Diesel comsuption on Riversand processor
- Increased Cement production and decrease Lime Production
- Some visual changes
Version 0.0.4
Administrator -
27. Oktober 2019 um 11:51 -
Logchange v0.4 Platinum:
- New Mine for Clay Extraction
- New Mine for Lithium Extraction
- New facility for bricks production
- New facility for Lithium production
- Removed some pallets from store
- Toutvenant texture impovement
- Align Aspahlt and Concrete trigger
- Lime selling Points (Train & truck)
- Increased some sell Prices
- New Diesel Storage on Mine 3
- BoardPallets sell points compatible with sawmill placeable (bretter)
- New type of triggers for Gold, Steel, Grapejuice, Portwine, RedWine, Stonegarden.
- Reduced Diesel comsuption on Riversand processor
- Increased Cement production and decrease Lime Production
- Some visual changes
Version 0.0.3
Administrator -
27. September 2019 um 09:36 -
Version 0.3
Version 0.2
Administrator -
24. September 2019 um 09:07 -