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Updated EAL to global script
Fixed collision so trailers wont catch anymore
Added support for Hesston Bales and Wool pallets
Still no luck with lumber pallets as there are so many different one.
Included is a A-Trailer, B-Trailer and a Dropdeck/Stepdeck.
3 different deck colours - Red, Gray and White
Front and Rear gates - Ramps for Dropdeck
A-Trailer has extendable ramps to make loading easier
and also has movable turntable/kingpin
10 stud and Spider wheel options
Colour selectable Tray and Frame
All trailers feature alfalfa6945's EasyAutoLoad but not all options are mapped to trailers, following loads are mapped
Large Square Bales
1.3 Round Bales
1.8 Round Bales
Cotton Modules
JD Cotton Bales (Giants ones)
Mission Pallets
Hesston Bales
Zip includes the trailers and EAL global mod both need to be enabled it mod menu for them to work, so unzip file first and add both mods to mod folder.
Category: Tools > Baling Technology
Version 1.1
Fahrer -
20. September 2019 um 08:50 -