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Hierfür gelten folgende Grundsätze:
Das Forum Forbidden Mods übernimmt keine Gewährleistung für
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EasyAutoLoad is now a standalone "global" mod - there is no need to include the script with a trailer/truck mod,
this mod simply needs to be enabled for the trailer/truck to work.
Permission is not needed to create autoload trailers/trucks, end users of those mods simply need to have the EasyAutoLoad
in their mod directory and enabled at game start for the trailer/truck to work.
People wanting to create autoloading equipment using this mod can look to the "LizardAutoloader" trailer found on this site as an example/template for their own mods.
Valid vehicle xml types are "autoloadTrailer" for a trailer or "autoloadTruck" for a truck.
Both types include the TensionBelts specialization and have "baseAttachable" and "baseDrivable" respectively as their "parent" vehicleType categories
***Existing mods using the easyAutoLoad script will need to be updated to remove the script and inputBindings.
No need to edit the .i3d of the mod, EasyAutoLoad still looks for the same information as it did before.
Mods requiring this file:
Administrator -
15. Juni 2021 um 22:09 -
- Slight fix to account for error when autoload active and driving by vehicle that has a collision mask with bit 24 set - Thanks to goelmc2 for pointing this out!
- Slight fix to marker visibility check when loading game - spec -> self - Oversight, thanks to Vylayan for pointing this out!
- Slight fix for error encountered server-side (multiplayer) on marker visibility event - unrelated to previous "check" issue
- Slight change to updateTable(), "for" loop instead of "while" loop
- Russian translation provided by Karl911 - Thank you!
- Removed adding EasyAutoLoad to the "hookLiftContainerTrailer" - clearly I was painting with the windows closed that day...
- Added support for hooklift equipment, inserts into vehicleType "hookLiftContainerTrailer" so use that in the vehicle xml
- Fix a slight timing issue where a binding won't exist yet but the script wants to assign text to it
- Added some default bindings for a particular user with a proclivity towards a certain controller - thus his autoload bindings shouldn't be affected by a "reset bindings"
- initial "global" autoload specialization mod
- added check for height variable for square bale types
- added sanity check in attempt to alleviate "getFillUnitFillType" error
- briefly tested in MP with no issues, please report if you find any!
Version 1.1.3
Administrator -
15. Mai 2021 um 13:33 -
- Slight fix to account for error when autoload active and driving by vehicle that has a collision mask with bit 24 set - Thanks to goelmc2 for pointing this out!
- Slight fix to marker visibility check when loading game - spec -> self - Oversight, thanks to Vylayan for pointing this out!
- Slight fix for error encountered server-side (multiplayer) on marker visibility event - unrelated to previous "check" issue
- Slight change to updateTable(), "for" loop instead of "while" loop
- Russian translation provided by Karl911 - Thank you!
Administrator -
26. Oktober 2019 um 14:22 -
*** Unrar the downloaded file, put the extracted into your mods folder
Für diejenigen die sich nicht überall anmelden möchten (Datenschutz):
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
4. September 2019 um 21:33 -