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The “Village of Yagodnoye” card was created on the basis of real area, on the other hand,
where the author was lucky and grew up in the Perevozsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
- There are 65 fields on the map;
- There are animals;
- Various industries;
- Russian traffic;
- Support for fashion seasons.
Factories are bought and activated with the purchase of the site.
Also note that there is a trigger for sale and a trigger for production! Products from the production are transported to Zil Pak from the Dwaz brigade!
Changes v2.4.5 from 07/29/19:
- Fixed bugs with textures.
- The map is adapted for the season mod;
- Added production: flour mill, sugar factory, cereal factory, bakery, oil extraction plant, grain cleaning;
- On the basis of number 1 grain cleaning now works, not like on previous versions;
- A little tweaked trifles;
- The workshop on base 1 has been changed, the trigger has been increased, now the repair of large equipment is possible.
Version 3.0.6
Modbot -
21. Oktober 2021 um 15:58 -
Changes v3.0.6:
- Changed warehouses of round bales, added a canopy and increased the number of bales (270 pcs.);
- Added selling greenhouses
- Greenhouse with raspberries, strawberries, red currants, cucumbers, tomatoes;
- Replaced the texture of the land for processing (plowing, sowing, fertilizing, etc.), because old textures did not work for liquid manure fertilization (there was no display);
- Minor visual edits, like road curbs;
- Slightly corrected textures for drawing in the game;
- Added the ability to sell mono mixtures at the Larin farm and at the Livestock Complex.
Unpack the archive!
The archive includes:
- Map;
- Additional climate for the "Seasons" mod.
Version 3.0.5
Modbot -
12. Oktober 2021 um 14:48 -
Changes: v3.0.5:
- The main and most important change
- the edges of the fields are corrected.
Thanks a lot to Roman Kleschev!
- Conservation.
There are two options:
1. We leave the old save, but the fields in your possession will remain unchanged, the fields that are not purchased will be gradually updated;
2. Start a new game.
Version 3.3.0
Fahrer -
17. Mai 2021 um 16:37 -
Version 3.0.3 for Farming Simulator 2019 (v1.7.x):
- Fixed weight at the flour mill, for AutoDrive;
- Removed straw from peas;
- Fixed hanging lights on base 1;
- Returned electric train and freight train;
- Removed one direction of traffic in the village. Trunino;
- In s. Trunino on the base removed K700, disassembled, interfered with many;
- Fixed loading of raspberries in greenhouses;
- Removed an incomprehensible bale in the store menu;
- A few little things, I will not paint, tk. no one wrote about them and this will be superfluous information for you. -
Version V3.0.2
Fahrer -
3. Mai 2021 um 14:25 -
Map version 3.0.2
List of changes:
1. Fixed hanging objects (trees, poles, road poles and buildings)
2. Fixed the work of some industries in terms of speed.
3. Replacing the texture of water, arable land.
4. Changed the rendering range of some objects.
5. Cheating heaps of onions and carrots, earlier heaps of carrots were much larger than onions.
6. Changes in storage volumes of some industries.
7. Fixed hanging roads, you need to start a new save. But if this did not bother you too much, then we continue to play on the old save.
8. Fixed collision on weighing, for work with AutoDrive
9. Add. cultures for the fashion season are registered in their group. Example: Peas and legumes
10. A few little things, I will not paint, tk. no one wrote about them and this will be superfluous information for you.
About saving:
The changes made in this version that affect the save, these are only terraforming (relief) changes, there are several solutions:
1. If everything suits you, download the map and continue playing on your save.
2. If you have just started, then I advise you to start over.
Version 2.5.1
Fahrer -
12. Januar 2020 um 11:03 -
1. The lack of texture in the purchased factories;
2. Weighing textures in the air;
3. Flax is now going to harvester;
4. Gate at the oil factory;
5. The collision of the bridge under construction has been fixed;
6. Prices for the products of factories have been adjusted;
7. Added fish food to the store, section "Pallets";
8. Prices in the "Pallets" section for products for plants have been reduced;
9. Increased price at the point of purchase of coal and sand;
10. Fixed some triggers for a better response;
11. There was a flatter road to the quarry;
12. The list of special equipment for the card has been updated.
1. Installed 35 factories. Some of them require construction.
2. Added crops grown Hops and Flax.
3. In enterprises it is now possible to choose what they will work on: diesel fuel or coal.
4. For the operation of all enterprises, the delivery of workers from the railway station or from the bus station is required.
5. A coal mine has been added to the map.
6. Added point where you can buy coal.
7. A coal deposit has been added where coal and salt can be mined from the ground with one's own hand.
8. Slightly balanced prices.
9. Adapted to the new version (Season Mod v.
10. Added a lot of scenery to the map.
11. Minor changes and bug fixes.
12. Most stores and points of sale have their own mode of operation.
13. The quarry is altered and can produce gravel with sand.
Needed Mods:
Version 2.5.0
Fahrer -
4. Januar 2020 um 17:48 -
Current changes:
1. Installed 35 factories. Some of them require construction.
2. Added crops grown Hops and Flax.
3. In enterprises it is now possible to choose what they will work on: diesel fuel or coal.
4. For the operation of all enterprises, the delivery of workers from the railway station or from the bus station is required.
5. A coal mine has been added to the map.
6. Added point where you can buy coal.
7. A coal deposit has been added where coal and salt can be mined from the ground with one's own hand.
8. Slightly balanced prices.
9. Adapted to the new version (Season Mod v.
10. Added a lot of scenery to the map.
11. Minor changes and bug fixes.
12. Most stores and points of sale have their own mode of operation.
13. The quarry is altered and can produce gravel with sand.
Version 2.4.7
Fahrer -
19. August 2019 um 19:58 -
Changes v 2.4.7:
- 1. The volume at the transshipment stations in the train was added up to 500,000
- 2. The train speed was added up to 120km / h
- 3. The traffic speed was reduced
- 4. Added extra. points of sale of cotton, seeds and wool
- 5. A conveyor was added to the sugar factory
- 6. Small jambs were fixed.
These changes are not affected by the save!
Version 2.4.5
Fahrer -
5. August 2019 um 13:27 -