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- 4x Karte quadratisch, praktisch, gut ... keine unnötigen Kollisionen
- 21 Felder, teilweise riesig von 6 bis 216 Hektar
- 11 zusätzliche Fruchtarten: Dinkel, Hirse, Roggen, Hopfen, Tabak, Zwiebeln, Karotten, Weißkohl, Rotkohl, Kopfsalat und Spargel
- 10 Verkaufsstellen
- 5 Kaufstellen: Erz, Weihwasser, Kalkstein, Hofsilo und Hoftankstelle
- 27 Produktionsstätten: Kartoffelbrei, Karottensaft, Mehl, Brot, Bier, Diesel, Dünger, Flüssigdünger, Tomaten, Golderz, Gold, Heu, Kalk, Ketchup, Kuchen, Krautsalat, Kuhfutter, Pellets, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Saatgut, Schweinefutter, Segel, Milch, Silage, Weihrauch, Zigaretten, Zucker
- SeasonsMod ready
- Umfangreiches Bahnnetzwerk: 4 nutzbare Züge auf 2 Bahnkreisen und 4 Deko-Züge, viele Produktionen und Verkaufsstellen angeschlossen
- Ordentliche Felder, Fahrzeuge und Lagervorräte beim Start als 'Neuer Farmer'
- Englische Version der Karte verfügbar, DL folgt ...
Feedback, Support, Updates etc.pp.
Version 19.2.EN (mp)
Administrator -
20. September 2019 um 09:20 -
19.2.EN (mp)- new fruit: beans
- new selling places: farm shop and McNugget
- streets now buyable (helpful for SeasonsMod and swath pick up)
- tobacco fruit texture fixed
- insence unloading particle fixed
- ground texture green house fixed
- several discharge effects fixed ( brewery/beer, green house/tomatos etc.)
- farm and railroad storages liquid trigger fixed:
> sprayer can now load herbicide etc.
> liquid manure particle now displayed
- weight of gold doubled
- gold smelt ground markers added
- flickering textures fixed:
> ground/vehicle shop
> sign/cigarette factory
> railroad loading stations
- hand tool grass fixed
- several lights added at the animal pens area
- several holes in grass fields fixed
- manure heaps fixed
- collision fixed railroad crossing near field 4
- collision of the deco trains deleted
- railroad crossing between field 17 and railway station east added
- pig food changed to pig feed
- icon on coleslaw factory signs fixed
- storage capacities set to 10 mio each fill type at production sites and 100 mio farm and railroad storages
- many unloading paticles changed
- starting field 8 changed to corn
- pda map fixed
- field borders fixed
- english naming selling places fixed
Version 19.1.DE (mp)
Administrator -
2. August 2019 um 11:24 -