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CSM Bobcat 590 Series Skid Steer…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- Added !!!NEW!!! „CSM Snow Plow QA“ attacherJoint option for connecting to the „Western Wide Out XL“ Snow Plow released in HD Modding
- Added !!!NEW!!! Rear Bumper Hitch Trailer Package options to all of „CSM QA“ attacher models of the CSM Bobcat (rear bumper hitch is ONLY intended for light loads support ONLY and heavy tongue loads may result in CSM Bobcat tipping backwards when connected/loaded)
- Added !!!NEW!!! working front door open/close animations that now allow the front door to be opened/closed along with the bucket quick attach plate locks animation
- Added !!!NEW!!! working front door open/close animations when entering/exiting the CSM Bobcat
- Added !!!NEW!!! working fuel and temperature gauge animations inside the cab
- Added !!!NEW!!! working windshield wiper animation to the front door
- Added !!!NEW!!! selectable Custom Color options
- Added !!!NEW!!! selectable engine/speed options…“Stock“ = 11 mph top speed with 61 HP and „CSM High Speed“ = 25 mph top speed with 90 HP and „CSM High Speed“
- All illuminated decals/logos both inside and outside of the machine(s) are now turned on/off with starting/stopping of the machine(s)
- Added better lighting all the way around the machine for better night time visibility when using the default and work lights.
- CSM Bobcat now starts with the cab safety bar in the up position and upon entering the vehicle the safety bar will go to the down position like a real machine.
- Significantly increased the stability and handling of the wheeled versions of the CSM Bobcat which now allows for high speed loading/unloading on/off of trailers without the machine(s) constantly oscillating forward/backward
- Increased the stability and handling of the tracked versions of the CSM Bobcat which now allows even better high speed loading/unloading on/off of trailers without the machine(s) constantly oscillating forward/backward
- Made various UDIM edits and visual corrections all around the machine
- Fixed issue where the bucket tilt cylinders were allowed to over cam and extend to a point where the tilt cylinders were being displayed going through the main lift arms visual
- Fixed $110n_ Fold/Unfold error previously displayed in the in-game controls panel window
- Completely reworked and decimated the AirLess tires to be less taxing on performance and optimized object sizes for better in game performance
- 100% UDIM completed on all wheel and rim configurations
CSM Bobcat 590 Series Adjustable Pallet Forks…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- ixed a collision issue with the CSM Adjustable Pallet Forks – Standard w/Unload Assist forks where the forks were allowed to sink into the map layers when attached to the Bobcat
GIANTS Software In Game Skid Steer Attachments Edits by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding)…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- Added !!!NEW!!! custom color options for the GIANTS Bale Hugger, Bale Spear, High Dump Bucket, Manure Fork, Pallet Fork, Stump Grinder, and Utility Grapple attachments
- Tripled the GIANTS High Dump Bucket included in this pack to now hold (3x) the normal capacity from 1,284 liters to 3,852 liters
- Tripled the GIANTS Manure Fork included in this pack to now hold (3x) the normal capacity from 710 liters to 2,130 liters
CSM Bobcat XL Snow Plow Attachment Edits by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding)…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- Now included in the CSM Bobcat pack is an edited version of the „Western Wide Out XL Snow Plow“ attachment first released by HD Modding for FS19 but rebranded by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding) as a „Bobcat XL Snow Plow“
- Added working dirt layers for the entire Snow Plow and Plow Bracket(s)
- Added enhanced lighting to the Snow Plow for a wider/bright range of working light at night
- Added ability for the Snow Plow attachment to utilize the „StrapIt“ Method by Exley Edits
- Added store selectable options for „Stock“ and „Lights Package“ configurations
- Fixed issue with not being able to Sell or Customize the Snow Plow from a Workshop trigger
This CSM Bobcat 590 Series Skid Steer v1.1.0 Pack includes:
-"Stock Lifter (SL)" Packages for Bobcat A590, S590, and T590 Series Skid Steers for stock lifting performance!
-"CSM Heavy Lifter (HL)" Packages for Bobcat A590, S590, and T590 Series Skid Steers with !!IMPROVED!!! lifting/weighted performance capabilities!
-All models have store options for various wheel and tracked configurations!
-All models have store options for "CSM Quick Attach" designs for connecting to Skid Steer, Front Loader, and Wheel Loader Attachments!
-"StrapIt" compatible versions of all the current GIANTS in-game Skid Steer Loader Attachments are included in this pack as well!
Note: all Bobcat and Attachments contained within this mod pack are compatbile with the "StrapIt" Trailers packs released by Iconik
Edits to allow all mod items to be strapped down during transport!
CSM Bobcat 590 Series Skid Steer v1.1.0...
CSM_FS19_Changelog (v1.1.0):
-Added (2) !!!NEW!!! "Standard" and "High Clearance" Tracks configuration options and proper visual Tracks axles assemblies to the machine(s)
-Added (4) !!!NEW!!! suitcase counterbalance weighting options and the suitcase weights are fully functional for weight offsetting and counterbalance...NOT just for decoration!
-Added (2) !!!NEW!!! configuration options within the store for "Stock Lifter (SL)" and "CSM Heavy Lifter (HL)" packages...CSM (HL) package option has increased hydraulics, weighting, and lifting capacities for improved lifting capability/performance
-Added (3) !!!NEW!!! store selectable decal configuration options for the A590, S590, and T590 Series models
-Added (2) !!!NEW!!! fully functional lights options now inclduing 1.) Roading lights and 2.) Working lights states...previous machine had NO working lights
-Added (2) !!!NEW!!! CSM "Stock Skid Steer QA" and "CSM Front Loader QA" quick attacher options which allows users to utilize both Skid Steer AND Front Loader attachments by simply changing the Quick Attach option within the store
-Added !!!NEW!!! CSM "Wheel Loader QA" quick attacher option which allows users to utilize Wheel Loader attachments by simply changing the Quick Attach option within the store; HOWEVER, please note Wheel Loader attachments use !!!REQUIRES!!! the CSM Heavy Lifter (HL) packages!
-Added !!!NEW!!! "Front Loader Quick Attach" option modeled/designed by CSM
-Added !!!NEW!!! Multiple StrapIt tie-down locations on machine(s)! Exley Edits helped CSM get the proper xml and modDesc scripts/LUA working to accommodate the "Exley StrapIt" method for allowing the machine(s) to be securely fastened to trailers using the tensionBelts system
-Added !!!NEW!!! AI Player visibility and ensured proper AI Player placement within the cab for proper hand controls and foot pedals contact
-Added !!!NEW!!! tinted windows
-Added !!!NEW!!! fully functional dirt shaders so the entire machine gets dirty and wears with normal use
-Added !!!NEW!!! top Speed of 25 MPH instead of the previous 11 MPH so that you don't have to trailer the machine(s) everywhere!
-Optimized both wheeled and tracked editions to climb ramps and trailers better than any other skid steer I have seen in game yet to date
-Completely re-tuned and re-balanced all of the store option wheel configurations so that each of the machine options are MUCH more balanced between a realistic and usable suspension dynamic which doesn't make the machine just rock back and forth constantly
-Fixed the beacon light which was completely broken in the original mod release
-Fixed the lap safety bar so that it now displays in correct down/locked position when the AI Player is seated in the machine
-Cleaned up a number of other errors and misc. throughout the i3d, xml, modDesc, and errorLog
CSM Bobcat 590 Series Adjustable Pallet Forks v1.1.0...
FS19_Changelog (v1.1.0):
-Added (3) different pallet fork length configuration options in the store..."Standard", "Long", and "Extra Long" options (Note: now each separately listed items in Store!)
-Added the ability to slide the pallet forks inward/outward with hydraulics for infinite adjustability
-Added ability for all "Standard", "Long", and "Extra Long" CSM Pallet forks items to utilize the "StrapIt" Method by Exley Edits
-Added ability for all included edits of the in game Skid Steer attachments by GIANTS Software to utilize the "StrapIt" Method by Exley Edits
GIANTS Software In Game Skid Steer Attachments Edits by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding)...
FS19_Changelog (v1.1.0):
-Added ability for all included edits of the in game skid steer attachments by GIANTS Software to utilize the "StrapIt" Method by Exley Edits
Administrator -
1. September 2021 um 10:35 -
Bobcat t590 for Farming simulator 19
Power: 74
Maximum Speed: 15
Price: 59500
Brand: Bobcat
Category: skidSteerVehicles
Version 1.3.2
Administrator -
27. Oktober 2019 um 12:32 -
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- Added !!!NEW!!! „CSM Snow Plow QA“ attacherJoint option for connecting to the „Western Wide Out XL“ Snow Plow released in HD Modding
- Added !!!NEW!!! Rear Bumper Hitch Trailer Package options to all of „CSM QA“ attacher models of the CSM Bobcat (rear bumper hitch is ONLY intended for light loads support ONLY and heavy tongue loads may result in CSM Bobcat tipping backwards when connected/loaded)
- Added !!!NEW!!! working front door open/close animations that now allow the front door to be opened/closed along with the bucket quick attach plate locks animation
- Added !!!NEW!!! working front door open/close animations when entering/exiting the CSM Bobcat
- Added !!!NEW!!! working fuel and temperature gauge animations inside the cab
- Added !!!NEW!!! working windshield wiper animation to the front door
- Added !!!NEW!!! selectable Custom Color options
- Added !!!NEW!!! selectable engine/speed options…“Stock“ = 11 mph top speed with 61 HP and „CSM High Speed“ = 25 mph top speed with 90 HP and „CSM High Speed“
- All illuminated decals/logos both inside and outside of the machine(s) are now turned on/off with starting/stopping of the machine(s)
- Added better lighting all the way around the machine for better night time visibility when using the default and work lights.
- CSM Bobcat now starts with the cab safety bar in the up position and upon entering the vehicle the safety bar will go to the down position like a real machine.
- Significantly increased the stability and handling of the wheeled versions of the CSM Bobcat which now allows for high speed loading/unloading on/off of trailers without the machine(s) constantly oscillating forward/backward
- Increased the stability and handling of the tracked versions of the CSM Bobcat which now allows even better high speed loading/unloading on/off of trailers without the machine(s) constantly oscillating forward/backward
- Made various UDIM edits and visual corrections all around the machine
- Fixed issue where the bucket tilt cylinders were allowed to over cam and extend to a point where the tilt cylinders were being displayed going through the main lift arms visual
- Fixed $110n_ Fold/Unfold error previously displayed in the in-game controls panel window
- Completely reworked and decimated the AirLess tires to be less taxing on performance and optimized object sizes for better in game performance
- 100% UDIM completed on all wheel and rim configurations
CSM Bobcat 590 Series Adjustable Pallet Forks…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- ixed a collision issue with the CSM Adjustable Pallet Forks – Standard w/Unload Assist forks where the forks were allowed to sink into the map layers when attached to the Bobcat
GIANTS Software In Game Skid Steer Attachments Edits by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding)…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- Added !!!NEW!!! custom color options for the GIANTS Bale Hugger, Bale Spear, High Dump Bucket, Manure Fork, Pallet Fork, Stump Grinder, and Utility Grapple attachments
- Tripled the GIANTS High Dump Bucket included in this pack to now hold (3x) the normal capacity from 1,284 liters to 3,852 liters
- Tripled the GIANTS Manure Fork included in this pack to now hold (3x) the normal capacity from 710 liters to 2,130 liters
CSM Bobcat XL Snow Plow Attachment Edits by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding)…
FS19_Changelog (v1.3.2):
- Now included in the CSM Bobcat pack is an edited version of the „Western Wide Out XL Snow Plow“ attachment first released by HD Modding for FS19 but rebranded by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding) as a „Bobcat XL Snow Plow“
- Added working dirt layers for the entire Snow Plow and Plow Bracket(s)
- Added enhanced lighting to the Snow Plow for a wider/bright range of working light at night
- Added ability for the Snow Plow attachment to utilize the „StrapIt“ Method by Exley Edits
- Added store selectable options for „Stock“ and „Lights Package“ configurations
- Fixed issue with not being able to Sell or Customize the Snow Plow from a Workshop trigger
Version 1.2.0
Administrator -
13. Juni 2019 um 11:40 -
CSM Bobcat 590 Series Skid Steer...
FS19_Changelog (v1.2.0):
-Added (1) !!!NEW!!! configuration option within the store for an additional "CSM Hercules Mode (HM)" package...CSM (HM) package option has even greater increased hydraulics, weighting, and lifting capacities for improved lifting capability/performance (*Option requested by popular demand!)
-Fixed issue with the indoorCamera view swinging 180 degrees upon entry into the indoorCamera view
CSM Bobcat 590 Series Adjustable Pallet Forks...
FS19_Changelog (v1.2.0):
-Fixed CSM "Standard" pallet forks issue which prevented them from being able to pick up pallets
-Fixed CSM "Long" pallet forks issue which prevented them from being able to pick up pallets
-Fixed CSM "Extra Long" pallet forks issue which prevented them from being able to pick up pallets
-Added (3) !!!NEW!!! "CSM Unload Assist Forks" options in "Standard", "Long", and "Extra Long" pallet forks lengths which now assists in pushing stuck/bound pallets off of the pallet forks
GIANTS Software In Game Skid Steer Attachments Edits by Chop Shop Mods (CSM Modding)...
FS19_Changelog (v1.2.0):
-Fixed included Paladin pallet forks issue which prevented them from being able to pick up pallets
-Fixed included Paladin Bale Spear issue which prevented them from being able to stab/pickup square/round bales
-Added ability for Manure Fork to stab/pickup square and round bales -
Version 1.1.0
Administrator -
10. Juni 2019 um 10:45 -