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~ J&M 680 Gravity Wagons (PC)!
Features & Configurations:
- 3 wheels Configurations
- 3 Tarp cover Configurations
- 3 warning Signs Configurations
- 2 paint Style (Decals) Configurations
- 3 Main Body Color Configurations (J&M Green, Red and Blue!)
- 3 Rims Color Configurations (Grey, White, Faded White)
- 5 Tarp cover Color Configurations
* * *
- All realistic values (mass, capacity, tire sizes, overloading speed etc)
- Fully Washable!
- FS19 Lights!
- Small, reduced file (3.4 MB)!
- FS19 xml standards!
- Realistic steering! (Appalaches modding xml lines)
- Electric conector Target and Hose!
- Working realLights!
- FS19 Particle system (smoke, grain effect etc)
- Detalied overloading Animation (tip Animation)
- HD Decals and Stickers
- Screw details!
- Error Free!
Version 2.0.0
Administrator -
29. April 2019 um 15:18 -
V2.0 Features:
- All FS19 standards
- Fully UDIM (PBR textures) by SiiD Modding
- New specmaps (dirt and wearable) by SiiD Modding
- xml on FS19 standards
- Description and Configurations in Polish, English, German and French languages
+ all addons and changes from V1.0:
- 3 wheels Configurations
- 3 Tarp cover Configurations
- 3 warning Signs Configurations
- 2 paint Style (Decals) Configurations
- 3 Main Body Color Configurations (J&M Green, Red and Blue!)
- 3 Rims Color Configurations (Grey, White, Faded White)
- 5 Tarp cover Color Configurations
* * *
- All realistic values (mass, capacity, tire sizes, overloading speed etc)
- Fully Washable!
- FS19 Lights!
- Small, reduced file (3.4 MB)!
- FS19 xml standards!
- Realistic steering! (Appalaches modding xml lines)
- Electric conector Target and Hose!
- Working realLights!
- FS19 Particle system (smoke, grain effect etc)
- Detalied overloading Animation (tip Animation)
- HD Decals and Stickers
- Screw details!
- Error Free!
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
13. März 2019 um 14:36 -