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Instead of looking for having 10 000 animals per husbandry, this mod will satisfy you!
This mod will replace your basic animal livestock!
You can still buy animal who eat & produce for 1 but others allow you to produce a lot more milk/pallets ,
OR manure & liquid Manure ! But they will eat as much as they produce !
You are warned!
Version 2.1.0
Administrator -
12. März 2019 um 15:35 -
Fixed for Animal Species - Pig Pack
Version 1.1.0
Administrator -
22. Februar 2019 um 12:08 -
Changes in v1.1:
- Price and ratios rescaled.
- Name harmonized and neutral for being multiplayer and competition ready.
Cows & Horses: have a lot of different choice now ! They can help you a lot in the game beginning, depending what you do !
Pigs: Now they produce nearly same amount as cows, giving them a real purpose > feed your fields !
About other animals it keep a standard increase in difficulty. x5 = This animal EAT & PRODUCE as much as 5 of his vanilla coworkers.
Chickens: For now the rooster is making eggs but once i will find how to create animals it will be corrected
Sheeps: Same ratio and prices as pigs. x1 / x5 / x10 / x100
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
21. Februar 2019 um 10:52 -