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# Courseplay Six Beta for Farming Simulator 2019
# Important Update Information™
We've got a website for Courseplay, containing all the glorious information you might ever need.
Well, probably not.
But if there is something you find missing, just holler, there's a good 50/50 chance that we're gonna add it.
### "Achtung", "Wichtig", "Neu" und Konsorten
Wir haben eine Courseplay-Website mit allen möglichen Informationen, Anleitungen usw.
Wenn was fehlt schreibt uns an, und möglicherweise fügen wir's hinzu.
## Developer version
Please be aware you're using a developer version, which may and will contain errors, bugs, mistakes and unfinished code.
Chances are you computer will explode when using it. Twice.
If you have no idea what "beta", "alpha", or "developer" means and entails, steer clear.
The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed.
You have been warned.
If you're still ok with this, please remember to post possible issues that you find in the developer version.
That's the only way we can find sources of error and fix them.
Version 6.01.00194
Administrator -
20. April 2019 um 20:20 -
Courseplay Six Beta for Farming Simulator 2019
Download the latest developer version (the file Courseplay_[version].zip).
Note that the current beta version does NOT support multiplayer!
Important Update Information™
We’ve got a website for Courseplay, containing all the glorious information you might ever need. Well, probably not. But if there is something you find missing, just holler, there’s a good 50/50 chance that we’re gonna add it.
Go check out the Courseplay Homepage
„Achtung“, „Wichtig“, „Neu“ und Konsorten
Wir haben eine Courseplay-Website mit allen möglichen Informationen, Anleitungen usw. Wenn was fehlt schreibt uns an, und möglicherweise fügen wir’s hinzu.
Go check out the Courseplay Homepage
Version 6.01.00014
Administrator -
30. Januar 2019 um 09:08 -
Courseplay ist eine Modifikation für den Landwirtschafts-Simulator 19, die es ermöglicht, verschiedenste Fahrzeuge autonom Kurse abfahren zu lassen,
Arbeiten zu erledigen, Mähdrescher abzutanken, Früchte zu Verkaufsstellen zu fahren, einen Bunker oder Anhänger per Schaufel zu füllen, Silo zu verdichten und vieles mehr…
Version v6.00.00033
Administrator -
27. Januar 2019 um 14:06 -