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Sollten "Auffälligkeiten" diesbezüglich hervorstechen nutzt bitte den Report-Button.
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- Power: 224 kW / 305 HP;
- Fuel tank capacity: 120 l.;
- Speed: 120 km / h;
- Price: 30 000 €;
- Primary color selection;
- Choice of color design (changing the color of the iterior);
- Design selection;
- Choice of attachment;
- Motor selection;
- Wheel selection;
- Opens Board;
- There is a towbar;
- Working lighting;
- Working instrument panel;
- Working mirrors;
- Leave trace.
Version 1.1.0
Administrator -
26. Januar 2019 um 12:25 -
Fixes are:
-Resized the truck since it was slightly too large being a 1500. Should be very close to real specs now.
-Replaced the start and motor sounds with those from a real 5.7L Hemi.
-Improved how some collisions behaved.
-Adjusted the braking factor to be a bit better when pulling loads (heavy loads will still cause a longer slow down time…its a 1/2 ton truck guys)
-Model improvements and lower poly count -
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
16. Januar 2019 um 18:23 -