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Technical Details:
Modell / model: 7430; 7530; 7530 Chip
Leistung / power: 190; 209; 230 PS/HP
Gewicht / weight: 7000kg
Daily Upkeep: 150€ / Tag/day
Preis(basic) / price(basic): 120.000 €
Tank / Fueltank: 385 liter
Höchstgeschwindigkeit / max speed: 40km/h ; 50km/h
This tractor, offers two different types of engine performances.
As configuration options at the shop, you are able to buy different frontloaders, a frontshield, 6 different types of wheels,
warning signs, seed pipes, GPS and Terminals.
Also little decorations like horns or orange lights on top of the roof are possible.
Additionally you are able to optimize the light settings, whether you want to have additional lights at the back or at the front.
Or if you want, at both sides. Choose whether you want LEDs for more money or just leave the normal ones.
Furthermore you can switch between a “normal” cab or a “panorama”.
You want to change your exhaust color in silver?
Then do it at the shop.
Functions like the back wiper, changing between toplights and normal lights, opening door and window, are self evident!
Administrator -
21. Juni 2018 um 15:45 -
Link erneuert.
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
8. April 2018 um 20:16 -