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This program created for editing game save files.
You can:
- edit player level and skill.
- edit saved colors for truck and trailer.
- edit company HQ and amount of money on account.
- repair and\or refuel your truck.
- share truck paint job.
- user colors.
- create custom job for Freight market.
- make basic edits to Cargo market.
- share GPS coordinates and paths that can be useful for Convoys.
Short term goals:
- finish sharing functions for truck parts.
- add editing and share functions for trailers.
- add the ability to edit files from custom path.
Long term goals: add the ability to creat jobs for Cargo market (have couple ideas)
This tool depends on: .NET Framework 4.6.1
Tested on: Windows 10 x64
Change log:
- added User paint Sharing
- added GPS Sharing options (Truck position, GPS route) (testing needed)
- added Basic Cargo Market Tools
- redone translation structure
Version 0.1.3
Administrator -
14. Januar 2019 um 13:20 -