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- Adjusted physics and overall stability of the tractor;
- Set up work with an employee;
- Customized materials;
- Fixed suspension elements;
- Changed sounds on Turbo V8;
- Added factory mudguards;
- The working and running lights are configured;
- Added a choice of color and tinting of glasses;
- The power take-off shaft is implemented;
- Added sound and shock absorption of the interior camera;
- The engine compartment has been worked out, including the Mercedes engine;
- Redesigned wings, roof, hood;
- Generated new pollution textures;
- Added Interactive Control;
- Added Trimble navigation;
- Added compatibility with the Real GPS mod (revives the onboard computer).
General characteristics of the mod:
- Cost: 160,000 €;
- Power: 354, 401, 428 hp;
- Maximum speed: 32 km/h;
- Fuel tank capacity: 1160 liters.
- Wheel selection;
- Tinting;
- Choosing a counterweight;
- Selection of lighthouses;
- Sticker selection;
- Nameplate selection;
- Filter selection;
- Selection of a silencer;
- Selection of oversized transport light signs;
- Selection of the serial number;
- Color selection for different parts of the tractor.
Animations with Interactive Control:
- Opening the door;
- Opening of vents;
- Opening the hood;
- Turning on the lights of the road train;
- Switching GPS modes (RealGPS is required for the second mode).
- Support for "Interactive Control";
- Support for "RealGPS".
Modbot -
12. Oktober 2023 um 10:01 -
Changes v1.0.0.1:
- Minor changes to the model;
- Added decals for bolts, etc.;
- Replaced MITAS tires
- Fixed trampling of crops.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
4. Oktober 2023 um 14:54 -