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Versatile Delta Track
Base Price: $410000
- 3 3D tracks belt options with belt width options of 30", 32", or 36"
- 3 Engine options each for 4 different models
Versatile 4WD
Base Price: $360000
- 18 Wheel configurations
- 3 Engine options each for 4 different models
Store Configurations and features:
-Fill Level Dashboard (Updated to RDB for 22)
- Lighting configurations
- Old and New Style Monitors
-Front weight option from in-game Versatile
-Window tint levels
- GPS option (With Guidance Steering Mod)
Required Mods:
More Design Configs Master, available to download after you push the download button on this page.
I cannot find the original modders page that created it otherwise I would link to it instead.
If anybody knows, please let me know.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
1. Oktober 2023 um 11:17 -