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Pack adds in traffic 861 trailers with 3152 skins of real companies.
All standalone.
Only quality lowpoly models - no FPS drop.
AI cables simulation compatible.
Works on any maps.
Compatible with AI packs by Jazzycat.
For version 1.48
Pack adds in traffic 1370 trailers with 4899 skins of real companies.
All standalone.
Only quality lowpoly models - no FPS drop.
AI cables simulation compatible.
Works on any maps.
Compatible with AI packs by Jazzycat.
For version 1.48.x
Models and skins by:
SCS Software, Giants Software, Pereira, Millsyb, Aspectxx, Mkkl, Vaarduar, SkGe, Speedy143, Steini,
Slash, Krokus, News, Zeros, Kast, Mrkalash62, RommiTZ, zincan, Rudi, bik_san, Vlakyt, LadenSwallow,
Wobler, Adam Steel, Alik, Belyashik2K and others
Version 12.0 - added new trailers with 31 new skins of real companies
Administrator -
30. September 2023 um 12:45 -