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I am sharing my Hidromek 102B backhoe loader mod, which you have been waiting for a long time, with simple IC, the doors open and the rear window also opens.
There are 3 control groups
si uses the front scoop
You can activate it with X and use the rear bucket, the bucket slide slides left and right.
You can adjust the rear legs according to you and the ground
All front loader buckets are compatible
There are 3 light options
Original white sliding led red sliding led
There is a plate option
Price= 45000 Dollars
Max Speed=63
There are 2 Cabin options
Cabin Udimli
cabin stationary
Note: There may be some shortcomings, I know that, and I will have fixed them in v2 anyway.
If you carry pallets with the Forklift Fork, do not be fast and do not exceed maximum speed of 13.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
29. September 2023 um 17:48 -