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Just a little conversion I thought id share with you all!
This is a conversion/edit of JDL Logging's D6T from FS19, with a few more design options added, and a separate model with narrower tracks and a U blade added.
All credits go to JDL Logging for the dozer model, and credits for the U blade go to 4MR Modding.
NOTE- SimpleIC is required if you want to make the transport signs on the blade visible.
Options include:
Tri shank ripper, dual shank ripper, hitch, or winch
Dealer decals
Accessory options including a shovel and fire extinguisher
I know 4MR has done a very similar D6T already for FS22, however I know there are a lot of people who personally prefer JDL's version,
so therefore I thought I would convert it, just because I feel like it's kind of gotten forgotten about to a degree.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
17. September 2023 um 10:07 -