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2008 Ford F-350
Update V3.0:
~Added "For Sale" sign
~Added factory colors
~Added "Cast Shadows" to all lights
~Switched to IC
Update V2.0:
1. Fixed:
~ Interior camera movement
~ Suspension stiffness
2. Added:
~ 3 new beds (Pickup, Service and second Flatbed)
~ Working service trigger
~ New wheels
~ New colors
~ Animation sounds
1. Description:
- Brand: Ford
- Price: 45 000 €
- HP: 300
2. Configurations:
- Base color
- Rim color
- Grill color
- Bumper color
- Grill (plastic or color)
- Bumper (plastic or color)
3. Animations
- Doors
- Interior animations (pedals, gear stick, levelers and more)
4. Others:
- Custom wear/dirt
- Tension Belts
- License Plates
-IC Support
- Plow mount and goosneck (those are not set as configs in the shop, just drive close to a plow or trailer and it will attach
5. Required mods:
Interactive Control:
Changing the configuration limit:
Modbot -
12. September 2023 um 13:48 -