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The truck has the ability to replace modules for various purposes, so it can be used in a wide range of agricultural work:
> Module for the transport of bulk cargo with a capacity of 4000-12000 liters., There is a choice of colors, there is also a suitable trailer;
> The Ballast module (intended as a partial load on the rear axle) with a capacity of 5,000 liters, can also be used as a seed expander;
> Module for applying liquid manure and degistat to 8000 l. with a working speed of 17 km / h;
> 2 types of barrels for 8,000 and 10,000 liters. for liquids for ordinary and chemical purposes, there is a choice of color, there is also a suitable trailer.
MAN TGS 18.500 4X4 module:
> 3 engines (500, 585, 636 l / s), tank 400 l., Max speed 80 km / h;
> 3 types of wheels (standard, wide, road);
> It has a front linkage to hook the expander for a seed or counterweight;
> Select the color of the cab and drive.
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
1. Januar 2019 um 21:05 -