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- Make sure you don't have the original mod installed
- right click on the file, extract it, and remove the zipped version from the mod folder)
This is my edit of the John Deere 7020 Series
- Added BKT 900/710 tire config
- Added beacon bar
- Added 2x strobe lights
- Added LED lightbar
- Added Michelin men
- Added white mirror marking lights
Motor Configuration
(With PowerQuad,AutoQuad,AutoPower (on 7920 there is just available AutoPower like in reallife)
(Fully animated transmissions)
Wheel brand Configuration
Wheels Configuration
(Standard-Wheel weights-Twin Back Wheels-Narrow-Narrow Twin Back Wheels-Narrow Twin Wheels)
Front Attacher Configuration
(Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-1150kg-Front hydraulic)
Front Mount Lights Configuration
(Design 1-Design 2-Design 3
WorkLights Configuration
StarFire Configuration
(No-SF3000-SF3000+Monitor-SF3000+PushButton(only visible on AutoPower)+Monitor)
Steering Knob Configuration
Right Door Configuration
Mirrors Configuration
Front Fenders Configuration
Beacons Configuration
Warning Signs Configuration
(Without-Style 1-Style 2)
Design Material Configuration
(Original Black Exhaust, Grey Exhaust)
PowerQuad Color Configuration
(Original Brown-Black)
Mod is ready for Precision farming (Crop sensors configuration ready)
Required mods for getting full enjoyment are:---->SIMPLE IC and UNIVERSAL PASSENGER MOD<----
Mod is fully animated, all levers, pedals, switches
Modbot -
1. August 2023 um 11:43 -