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Missouri River Bottom has been release in a number of past Farming Simulator games.
I have updated the map to 22. I have release this map in FS15, FS17, FS19,and now I have release it in 22.
The map is in the Missouri area along the Missouri River. This version is 1.2. and 1.78 GB.
The crops are alfalfa, clover, sorghum, Sudan grass, tobacco, peanut, hemp, spelt, triticale, hops, and rye.
When you start in map, is a small farm in the Southwest.
The farm sets just south on the farm you can see it in the distance.
As you go along farming you can buy more land and saving your money you can purchase one of the higher value farms.
They are 5 farms each set up different. In the north direction from where you are, a farm that has feed
lots and a production silo, corn dryer.
Most of the trees are in the far north and far south.
The sawmill in the far south and and far north.
The northwest farm is a small farm with a small silo, and across the road is a corn dryer.
The farm Norheast side is about chickens it's has a small silo too.
The farm to the southeast is a small farm with grass, alfalfa and clover.
The las farm in in the middle it as corn dryer, and 2 cow lots and a 1 horse lot.
Large buildings on it.
A Ammonia tank and seed silo.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
28. Juli 2023 um 09:25 -