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As a celebration of Independence day I'm releasing my Freightliner Cabover to the public.
As far as I know this is the first Public Freightliner Cabover available for Farming Simulator.
I've put many many hours of work into this truck, and the amount of customization reflects that.
Thanks to my Patrons for diligently testing this project and being actively involved in its production before its release.
Tons of Brand Name Headache Rack Options.
Numerous Rear Fender Options.
Cabin Suspension.
Detailed Interior.
Opening Hood with Mouse Control.
Protech Side Boxes(Available with Tandem, Stretch and Tag Frames)
Frame Options: Choose from Single axle, Tandem Axle, Stretch Tandem, Tag/Drop Axle, and a Flatbed.
Color Options: Body, Frame, Round Fender, Rims, and Flatbed.
Skin Options: Several included including a Consolidated Freightways skin,
Exhaust Stack Options.
Fairing and Roof Cap Option.
Bumper Options.
Visor Options.
Steel Wheel and Alcoa Wheel Options.
Rear Pintle Hook style attatcher. Available only on the Single, Tandem, and Flatbed frames.
Several Custom made parts such as the Mud Flap Hangers.
There's probably more I've missed.
But you should be able to configure this truck anyway you desire.
The new, and only Facebook page.

Public Discord Server.

Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
4. Juli 2023 um 14:47 -