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Have you always liked the classic way of cotton crops?
Well, here we present the cotton feather system, which use processes separated by implements!
We bring you the following machines and implements in this package:
John Deere 9996
- price: 250000
- power: 350 PS
- speed: 45 KM/H
- capacity: 4000 litres unzipped
- Animation of joystick, seat damper, pedals, and steering wheel
Lizard Bass
- price: 6800
- capacity: 8000 litres unzipped
- all moving parts animated
Lizard Baler EB11
- price: 6000
- capacity: 32000 litres unzipped, 1 baler compacted
- Part animations, when the bale is ready, the employee must move the press
Lizard Transmodulo
- price: 5000
- capacity: 1 baler compacted
- speed limit: 10 KM/H
- all moving parts animated
- Multicolor added for Bass, B11 and Transmodulo;
- Optional tires added to John Deere 9996;
- Optional Starfire GPS antenna added to John Deere 9996;
- Applied wear improvements on John Deere 9996;
- Adjusted the bale getting tangled in B11 error;
- Bass capacity is now 8000L and B11 is 32000L
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
14. Juni 2023 um 18:41 -