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- Korrektur der Textur des letzten Wachstumsbodens der Mohnblume
- Korrektur fehlender Pakettexturen
- Ein paar Meter neue Straßen hinzugefügt, rund um den Fluss, Supermarkt Nižny Koniec, die alte von rechts, es ist jetzt möglich, einen Arbeiter zu schicken
- geänderte Routen für Arbeiter (H)
*- Das Mod-Paket enthält auch einen Trailer mit Foto – nicht animierte Version *
- Baumfehler aus DLC behoben
- 2 Wachstumsetagen für Seqoia hinzugefügt, jetzt wächst es bis zu 90 Meter
-Neues Mastali für Tierlaich-Eier behoben.
-Änderung der Übersetzung für die Produktkette Hopfen.
-Anpassung der Futtermischungen für alle Tiere, es ist nicht mehr notwendig, alle Futterarten abzufüllen und 100 % Wirksamkeit des Futters zu berechnen.
Die Karte der Orava-Halbinsel umfasst eingebaute neue Bäume, die auch gepflanzt werden – Fichte, Tanne, Buche, Douglasie
+ DLC-Bäume
- neue Tiere - Enten, Gänse
- neues Gehege für Tiere - Truthähne, Fasane, Pfauen
- Berkshire-Schweine, Mangalica hinzugefügt
- Hirsch, Reh hinzugefügt
Neue Pflanzenarten hinzugefügt
Rote Bete, Futterrübe, Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Karotte, Kohl – für jeden ein spezieller Mähdrescher + irgendwo reicht es, nur den Adapter zu wechseln
Mohn - gemeinsamer Mähdrescher für Getreide
Lavendel - Baumwollerntemaschine
Die Karte zeigt ein Dorf aus Orava, eine Kombination aus Forstwirtschaft und Landwirtschaft.
Modbot -
10. Dezember 2023 um 12:01 -
- change of textures: Rapeseed, Wheat, Oats
- removed invisible fence collision at pet store
- added some missing information about the place of purchase of goods and price status
- exchanged parsley for parsley
- reduction of the terrain at some hills more like reality
- widened the main road so that it does not catch wider machines
- added field boundary for AI workers and this means increasing the field from free surfaces
- goat milk repair is produced in pallets only in certain enclosures (GOAT) and wool is not produced, only 1 type can be produced from 1 enclosure
- new type of trees - aspen, beech
- removed the last system of harvesters, now only one is enough and it goes to all new vegetables
- improved textures of cabbage, carrots, beets
- changed eggs and their spawn in Maštali
!! I recommend playing a new game for those inexperienced with downloading savegames. !!!
- added new types of plants - red cabbage, red potatoes, parsley, rye, millet, mustard, beans, peas, flax, rice, lentils, spelled wheat, trikitale, Sudanese grass
- a new type of bales from some legumes
- added new production buildings and included new types of plants and materials for production
- new animals - cats, rabbits
- addition to orchards - hops, white grapes, apple tree
- modified routes for worker (H)
I didn't have much time to properly test it all, if you find any errors, report them to us, I will fix them and then release the next version.
- correction of the texture of the last growth floor of the poppy
- correction of missing package textures
- added a few meters of new roads, around the river, supermarket Nižny Koniec, the old one from the right, it is now possible to send a worker
- modified routes for worker (H)
*- the mod package also includes a trailer with a photo - non-animated version *
- fixed tree errors from DLC
- added 2 growth floors for seqoia, now it grows up to 90 meters
-Fixed new mastali for animal spawn eggs fixed.
-Modification of the translation for the hop product chain.
-Adjustment of feed mixtures for all animals, it is no longer necessary to fill all types of feed and calculate 100% effectiveness of the feed.
The map of the Orava Peninsula includes built-in new trees that are also planted - spruce, fir, beech, Douglas-fir
+ DLC trees
- new animals - Ducks, Geese
- new enclosure for animals - Turkeys, Pheasants, Peacocks
- added Berkshire pigs, Mangalica
- added Deer, Roe deer
Added new types of plants
Beetroot, Fodder beet, Onion, Garlic, Carrot, Cabbage, - a special combine for each one + somewhere it is enough just to change the adapter
Poppy - joint combine for grain
Lavender - cotton harvester
The map shows a village from Orava, a combination of forestry and agriculture. -
Modbot -
14. Mai 2023 um 10:29 -