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Hierfür gelten folgende Grundsätze:
Das Forum Forbidden Mods übernimmt keine Gewährleistung für
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2. Die Richtigkeit der Angaben inclusive des Downloadlinks
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I give you a patch with the corrected map of Chrzaszczyrzewoszyce, there is a savegame with gospami
(on a regular map there will be no them) Save is clean, it has only buildings, mods you can add there yourself, etc.,
the map can be saved and after saving it can also be entered normally, in the pack you have a text file that you have to read,
if you don't do it, txt zboz they will not read to you.
That's it from me, play and do what you want with this map, hey.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
11. April 2023 um 12:32 -