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Welcome to the map of Euro Łany V4.2
The map includes:
-151 fields.
-3 meadows.
- Plot for construction.
-Groups on the map.
- Purchase of Milk.
- Fuel station.
-Buy pets.
-Machine shop.
-New terrain painting.
The map does not include:
- Maize Plus.
What was added on V4
-New part of the map.
-New reskinned models on the map.
-Removed one farm on V3. (I didn't like the author.)
-Decorative orchard. (can be removed using Map Objects Hider by approaching the trash can icon.)
-New playable economy. (can be removed using Map Objects Hider by approaching the trash can icon.)
What's added on V4.1
-Added a new playable farm. (can be removed using Map Objects Hider by approaching the trash can icon.)
- Removed small static buildings. (I didn't like the author.)
-Fixed fruitTypes file (Cotton appeared.)
What's added on V4.2
-Added Precision Farming.
-Prohibition of changing the link.
-Prohibition on taking out and other parties.
- It is forbidden to sign the map.
-Prohibition to edit the map (unless for personal use) All mods are packaged with the map.
There may be some errors on the map so I don't know how to fix it.
Regards Shmix.
Administrator -
12. März 2023 um 13:56 -