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Fendt Vario 700 SCR
-Simple IC replaced with Interactive Control
-Fendt Cargo console installed
- Seat animation when boarding
Price: €132,000 - €138,000
Power: 150hp
Engine configuration:
Fendt Vario 714 (150 hp)
Fendt Vario 716 (171 hp)
Fendt Vario 718 (188 hp)
Fendt Vario 720 (209 hp)
Fendt Vario 722 (228 hp)
Fendt Vario 724 (246 hp)
- main color
- Rim color
- Front loader console color
- Design Line or normal version
- Mirror
- Furnishing
- warning signs
- Beacons
- Position lights on the lamp holders (S4 and Gen6)
- Sticker for the type designation selectable (S4)
- Added crop sensor for precision farming
Animations with public Simple IC in 9.1:
- Fold steering wheel console up/down
- Open/close the door on the left
- Open/close rear window
- Rotating beacons fold in/out outside/inside
- Fold out/fold out warning signs outside/inside
Animations with private Simple IC in 9.3
- Engine start
- Working/Standard lights on/off
- Front and rear hydraulic view from inside and outside up/down
- Switch hazard lights on/off
-Added startup monitor
-Camera moved
- Cylinder animated
-Added 1-speed gearbox
-Added Fendt Cargo
-Added 50 tin sign (configurable)
-Added Pöttinger, Väderstein and Claasterminal
Animations with public Simple IC in 9.1:
- Remove trailer hitches at the back
- Remove left door
- Remove terminals
Modbot -
20. Dezember 2022 um 11:44 -