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"Rite Way land rollers have a larger drum diameter, so they make fewer revolutions and more efficiently
press rocks into the ground without rolling the crop out ahead of it -- and they need less horsepower per foot to accomplish the task."
This is the very first mod I have fully ingamed.
The model was created by TheJimmyJob, and he was kind enough to send it over to me and allow me to ingame it.
It's a very simple mod, and that's the whole idea.
Just a nice, cheap, American-style roller.
Make sure you have a lot of ballast when using this roller; it's a heavy piece of equipment.
Riteway 20' Land Roller Specifications
Price - $15,000
Working Width - 20 feet / 6.1 meters
Weight - 7,700 lbs. / 3,500 kilograms
Optional SMV Triangle
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
5. Oktober 2022 um 10:07 -