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- Power: 305 - 396 hp
- Price: 272,000€
- Tires (make and model)
- Engine version: 930, 936 and 939
- Version: Power, Profi and Profi+
- main color
- Rim color
- Theme color
-Grid transparent
-Passenger seat
- All-round lights left + right
- Front and rear fenders
- Left door can be opened with Simple IC
- Rear window can be opened via Simple IC
- Steering wheel can be opened via Simple IC
- Roof hatch can be opened via Simple IC
- Engine hood can be opened via Simple IC
- Flashing lights left + right can be folded up / down via Simple IC
- Mirrors can be folded inwards via Simple IC
- 3 terminals can be faded in/out via Simple IC
-Joysticks animated
-The light on the seat now only comes on when the tractor light is on
-Mirrors, Rul holders, rear fenders cut out
-Load sound changed
Bug fixes:
-Fixed the cylinder on the steering
-Fixed a simple IC point on the roof hatch
Simple IC is recommended for this mod
Version BETA
Modbot -
24. September 2022 um 12:13 -