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- Price: € 170,000
- HP: 235-385
This new version contains Simple IC animations, UDIM textures, new configurations and improvements.
New changes in V4.0 version:
* UDIM textures
* Simple IC animations with sounds
* Removed old interactive controls
* Fender configuration (new models)
* Transmission configuration (AutoPower / PowerShift)
* Foldable forearms in the FH
* RDA in wheels (tire pressure script)
* Opening doors and rear window
* Opening hood
* Pedal animation in the cabin
* Corrected lights in the hood
* Exhaust configuration (normal / chrome)
* 6 types of motor power versions (8130, 8230, 8330, 8430, 8530 and 8530 chip)
* Tire configuration (BKT, Trelleborg, Michelin, GoodYear)
* And other new features
Known bugs, errors and warnings:
• You cannot resave i3d when save i3d file you got error, mod is converted manualy not using autoconversion,
have ai warning and cuople small warnings together, in i3d not defined details and no have working path tis says in errors when mod loaded.
• Known bug with goodyear tires, tire rim bugges wheel
• No ability to choise numberplate this is no ability when cannot resave i3d i cannot remake this from scratch
Planned updates:
• Full bug fix
• Full revrite i3d from scratch to correctly resave
• Add new missing features to details hide or option to show missing details.
• Update all UDIM textures to new version of this mod supporting to FS22
Modbot -
3. August 2022 um 21:52 -