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Fendt Vario 300 Series(310,311,312,313)
Mod Functions and Changes:
*New more realistic color textures
*Added Dynamic Hoses (Front and Back)
*New exhaust effects
*Added FrontLoader Fendt with Dynamic Hoses
*New dirt skin and new color dirt
*Added new wheels configurations(Added 2 types Michelin Tires with new rims)
*New grill
*Added possibly open door also from outside(R)
*New skin Trelleborg Tires
*Added Beifahrer/Passenger Script
*Added Warning signs
*Added Fendt weight(750 kg)
*New functions on Interactive Control
*Added registration the tractor
*Many other improvements and changes
Full Washable
Movable front axis
Motor configurations
Interactive Control
Opening door,rear window, front window and roof window
Indoor sound
FL Console
Full lights
Speedometer and tachometer
Dust, tire tracks
In pack:
-Fendt 300 Vario Series Normal
-Fendt 300 Vario Series Kommunal Edition
-FrontLoader Fendt
-Fendt weight 750kg
Version 1.0.0
Kubo -
8. April 2018 um 13:54 -