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I think it's finally time I go ahead and let this out for everyone to use!
This is a pack of Cat 336 excavator models I have put together.
- Notes:
1- There are no buckets included, please use any buckets that will attach to the Cat 325D
2- This is a WIP pack, so expect updates in the future with more 336 models to choose from and more features.
A huge thanks to AJ Deere and the rest of the Mini Plow Council for all of the help on this project!
- Simple IC door, sunroof, and front wiper
- Single, double, and triple grouser trackpad designs
- Multiple cab and side guard options
- Multiple cat dealer decal options
- Optional hydraulic thumb
- Swappable logos between 336E and 336F
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
27. Juli 2022 um 11:02 -