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- Added lighting on the map.
- Added roads.
- Added sheep.
- Replaced garages with sheds.
Top Gear is a special, original map for FS 2022,
- Created for various tests and experiments.
- It is convenient to test equipment on it for (Speed, Handling, Turning radius, Power, Suspension work, etc.)
- Also for testing a variety of equipment.
On the map are:
- 1 buyable plot (All Map).
- 8 Large Greenhouses.
- 9 Huge Silo Pit for Silo or storage of root crops.
- BGA.
- Big apiary.
- 14 default productions.
- Points of sale, Hayloft, Big Elevator, Manure Storage, Liquid Manure.
- 10 small fields.
- 7 large fields for plowing, processing and sowing or mowing grass.
- 2 different cowsheds, stables, chicken coop.
- Big Forest lane.
- Shop Tech. , Refueling , Workshop.
- Contracts are available.
Modbot -
4. Juli 2022 um 12:13 -