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- Power: 375 hp;
- Speed: 35 km/h;
- Volume of a fuel tank: 925 l.;
- Cost: 217,000 €;
- Wheel brand configuration;
- Wheel configuration;
- Counterweight configuration;
- Mounting configuration;
- License plate configuration;
- Animated devices, pedals, levers;
- Working mirrors;
- Working lighting equipment;
- Leaves traces;
- Dirty and washable;
- The effect of aging.
- Fixed flickering decals;
- Fixed internal camera;
- Fixed the position of the steering wheel;
- Added new decals to the dashboard;
- Wheel configurations;
- Possibility of manual switching;
- More realistic tractor physics;
- More realistic sounds.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
21. Juni 2022 um 11:14 -