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Fiatagari 90 series
-Top speed 30km/h
-Hp 70-130hp
-Price 12 750-18 750€
Fiat 70-85
-Beacon light configuration (Left, Right and Dual beacons)
-Weights configuration (500kg)
- Frontloader configuration (Quicke and Stoll)
-Motor configuration (70-90, 80-90 and 85-90)
-Wheel configuration (Michelin and Trelleborg )
- Front shield configuration (Front shield)
Fiat 90-110
-Beacon light configuration (Left, Right and Dual beacons)
-Weights configuration (500kg)
- Frontloader configuration (Quicke and Stoll)
-Motor configuration (90-90, 100-90, 110-90 100-90 Turbo, 110-90 Turbo)
-Wheel configuration (Michelin, Trelleborg and Bkt )
- Front shield configuration (Front shield)
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
28. Mai 2022 um 13:25 -