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New Changes:
Added Dynamic Hoses
Texture changes, new color
New the wheels
New Beacon Lights
Choice of engines/design:
* New Holland TM 175 -> All rated nominal power: 175 PS
– Normal TM 175
– Brown Design TM 175 (Due to cooperation with Fiatagri)
– TM 175 with new yellow stickers (when buying called NS)
* New Holland TM 190 -> All rated nominal power: 190 PS
– Normal TM 190
– Brown Design TM 190 (Due to cooperation with Fiatagri)
– TM 190 with new yellow stickers (when buying called NS)
Function List:
* Full Interactive Control (IC) All added from scratch.
* Openable doors, back window, small side windows (tiltable)
* Folding steering column (IC)
* Whells selection
* Power throttle animation in cab
* Full Animation hydraulics rear and front
* Windows cylinders animation
* Tractors have nice washable. New specular textures has been made by me.
* Very good rotations of front and rear attachers.
* Selection of front hydraulic or new holland front weight.
* Fenders on IC buttons
* Foldable warntafels
* Warnings on IC Buttons
* RDA Pressure systems in wheels (IC)
* Max speed about 40 km/h (Real!)
* All other basic functions: full lightning, indoor huds, mirrors and other…
Version 1.0.0
Administrator -
7. April 2018 um 13:45 -