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Sipma Z224 - SipmaZ224 / 1
Price: € 10,000.
Category: Baling Technology.
Color Configurations:
- Press color.
- Rim Color.
- Wom Wheel Color.
- Wom Guard Color.
Press Configurations:
- Model Selection.
- Choice of Emblems.
- PTO shaft guard.
The press has a nice animation:
- Unfolding on the X key.
- Reel animation.
- Animation of a Hammer Breaking a Bale.
- Landing Landing Animations.
-Animation of the Spire.
-Standard FS22 Animation.
- Animation of Opening the Rope Flap, Camera Flap, Counterweight Flap, Removing the Wom Side Flap on the Mouse Buttons.
- Removable / Assembled Sipma tarpaulin on the mouse button.
- And many interesting elements.
- It has lights
- FS22 standards.
Update Sipma Z224 - Sipma Z224 / 1 - V
- Wheel configuration.
- Feeder with a nice unfolding animation in Beta Version (Beams sometimes get stuck)
- Configuring the color change of Tarpaulins (tarpaulin On the mouse button).
- Under the Rushing Spire, and a new Tail Star animation.
- Fixed Press Weight. (The press does not jump after entering the Store)
- Corrected Texture of the White Lamps.
-Improved Press Sounds.
-The press has a New Store and an Icon.
- Improved Rear Decal.
- Fixed roller.
- And New Colors.
Update Sipma Z224 - Sipma Z224 / 1 - V includes:
- Correct Small Beams weighing 300l.
- Additional Tarpaulin Colors.
- Unfolding configuration (Narrow - Wide).
- Specular and Normal textures have been slightly improved.
- Price changed.
- Ironing Speed changed.
I emphasize: The press has no errors in the Log.
Modbot -
20. April 2022 um 20:48 -
The Update Sipma Z224 - Sipma Z224 / 1 - V includes:
- Added the ability to change the string (white and blue) and their weight (500l and 300l) to the L key from the tractor:
: - 90 cm - color White and weight 500L.
: - 91 cm - color Blue and weight 500L.
: - 92 cm - color White and weight 300L.
: - 93cm - color Blue and weight 300L.
[[When changing with the L key after starting ironing, the color of the Roll under the flap changes: D]]
- Added Simple_IC (Rope Flap Opening Animation, Apparatus Flap, Counterweight Flap, Wom Side Flap Removal, Tarpaulin Application)
- There is no disassembly of the sipma and no lowering of the pick-up into simple ic BECAUSE IT IS SLUDDING WITH Unfolding from the tractor.
- Pickup Frame Animations added.
- Animation of the Binding Apparatus has been added.
- Footer Animation improved.
- Press collision fixed.
- Wheel Hubs have been improved.
Modbot -
10. März 2022 um 14:06 -