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Hello, today I am giving you a small farm tractor (-U-R-S-U-S- C-330-)
* What does the modification have:
- cabin configurations (/ without / Can / Tubes /)
- Bench configurations (/ without / with /)
- grill configurations (/ 1/2/3 /)
- muffler configurations (/ old / new /)
- filter configuration (/ new / old /)
- sticker configurations (/ black / white / blue / new /)
- grill sticker configurations (/ black / white / blue / new /)
-compressor cable configurations (/ s / without /)
- fender configurations (/ with / without / z_i_obc / bez_i_obc /)
- Wheel configurations 3 types of front tires and 2 types of rear loads
- painting rim_obc
- mask painting
- painting the rim on the hood
- painting the body
- there will be more in the future
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
25. Februar 2022 um 09:07 -