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Since FS19 will be lacking the JD9R, I figured I should at least post my FS17 JD9R (2012) Edit. The Tractor parts are made by Rafazr (Custom Modding) & KMN Modding. The tractor is basically the JD9560R that Rafazr (Custom Modding) created in FS15. It uses the new Custom Modding JD9RT_2014 Hood and has some other minor tweaks (to the interior and so on)
The tractor comes with 4 engine Options: 9460R, 9510R, 9560R,
It has 13 wheels options including: Trelleborg 600, 800, 900 singles, duals triples, Firestone 480, 800 singles, duals triples, GoodYear 1400 LSW, GoodYear 800 singles and duals.
The tractor has IC control with various options.
For European Farmers: The tractor comes with number plates (Germany & Austria)
There are many scripts included: ICControl, IndoorSounds, Cabsuspension, DynamicHoses and so on.
The Degelman Silage Blade (or the Pitbull Silage Blade) that are out there, are attachable.
If you find any bugs/errors please let me know. As far as I'm concerned: The log is error free
Version 1.0.0
Garggi123 -
19. November 2018 um 21:28 -