Hello all. Map Goliszew remake of FS19, I invite you to the Goliszew fields.
- four farms to live. You can own all four at once.
- additionally, each kennel can be purchased separately
- activation of objects after purchasing land (land)
- all production facilities available in the basic version of the game plus a modification with a brewery
- for those who do not want to run a farm, just have fun, cultivate the land and harvest crops extra company to perform orders and contracts AGRO-AS.
- many purchases on the map introduce a variety of prices.
And much more can be found on the map.
Unfortunately, I was not able to set the manure plate in the configuration I wanted and we have to set it up in the game.
There are designated (painted) examples, but the choice is yours.
I wish you a lot of fun on the map.
Many thanks to El-Luki, Prezes, myro7771, and all the moders that I have used on this map.
Modbot -
2. Oktober 2022 um 12:51 -
FS22 Goliszew V.2.0.0. updated with permission of the author. Changes.
-improved optimization
-fixed problems with placing objects, buildings and fences.
-added icons on purchases where they were not
-a few access roads to the farmland added
-reduces the number of scripts on the map
-corrected snow mask
Modbot -
26. Februar 2022 um 21:57 -
update version ready for the FS patch. 1.3.
You don’t have to start a new game, the score works fine. for version
(1) -
Modbot -
7. Februar 2022 um 19:32 -
Update Log: 1. 0. 1. 0.
-added more trees script, now you can place more trees without limitation
-Fixed all errors and warnings (clean log)
-access to some fields has been improved and added
-gates have been added to the starting farm
-added an exit gate at the pig farm site
-geo Poland (spring cereals) was added, unfortunately without rapeseed.
At this time, this is the last update due to the game being updated to version. This update causes all additional textures on the map to be shuffled (mixed up).
This means that if you open the map in the editor, the textures will not be applied correctly,
and many textures on the map will need to be re-created,
making it easier to make the map from scratch.
There will probably be a new version in the future but I will wait for more updates from the Giants.
- four farms to live on. You can own all four at the same time.
- in addition, each culture to be purchased separately
- activation of objects after purchasing an area (land)
- all production facilities available in the basic version of the game plus the brewery modification
- for those who do not want to run a farm but only have fun, cultivate the land and harvest crops extra company to perform orders and contracts AGRO-AS.
- many of the buy-sites on the map introduce price variation.
And you can find much more on the map.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to set up the manure board in the configuration I wanted and we have to set it up from within the game.
There are designated (painted) example locations but the choice is yours.
Fences are not allowed on the map I am trying to fix this problem.
Version 1.0.0
(1) -
Modbot -
29. Januar 2022 um 21:20 -
Erster Eindruck ... SUPER
EggiEgbert - -
16. Februar 2022 um 08:43
Karte gefällt uns sehr gut. Haben just ein neues YT-Projekt auf dieser map gestartet. Nächste Woche erscheinen die ersten Folgen dazu.
Die map erfeut mich insbesondere durch die Details.
Liebevoll gestaltet, mit bissl Schrott hier, bissl Müll da....was halt so rumliegt.
Die Gebäude sind kein Standarddesign, sondern hier wurde ebenfalls viel Liebe in die Entwürfe gesteckt. Von alten Produktionsstätte bis hin zu modernen Gebäuden, alles da.
Die vorbereiteten Höfe sind echt nice. Mit vielen Kaufsilos ausgestattet, für Kalk, Mineraldünger, Flüssigdünger und Herbiziden. Auch für die Ställe sind teilweise Kaufsilos verbaut, um Futter, Stroh usw. kaufen zu können.
Die Höfe sind jeweils auf eine Tierart ausgerichtet. Da findet sich zum Bsp. der Hühnerhof mit 6 Hühnerställen wieder. Genauso bei den Schafen. Usw.
Ein Hof mit modernsten Hallen, aber ohne Tiere. Sieht nach Lohnunternehmen aus. Sauber gemacht.
Strassendesign gefällt mir ebenso super. Nicht 0815. Dazu passend auch die Strommasten etc. etc. Nix von der Stange.
Würde mich freuen, wenn der modder Kontakt aufnimmt (hier über FBM).
Im DC zu finden unter https://discord.gg/aaWXaBDs
Eggi aka Menion
Schöne Karte für Leute die es etwas Dirty mögen hier und da.