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The Most Realistic John Deere tractor
What New:
- Real GPS Mod by Martin Fabík!!
- Real ILS! (Independent-Link Suspension)
- Dynamic Hoses Script (front and back)
- IC Script
- Speed Joystick Script
- Cab Controls Script
- Vibirations Script
- Add Configurations Script
- Real Physic Script
- Exhaust Script
- new Exhaust Script
- Seat Suspension Script
- Monitors Script
- Remodeled engine parts
- Remodeled Cab with proper lights
- New ladder
- New, proper Exhaust
- New halogen lights
- New, realistic 8R 2010 sounds
- New textures with John Deere® hexcode Green & Yellow
- New custom Speculars (Dirt Mask)
- Added normal maps
- Reduced zip file
- Reduced GE file
- Cleared xml file
- All lights have been scripted anew
- New wheels with new diffuses and custom specmaps
- Front weight configurations
- Motor configurations
- Wheels configurations
- Greenstar configurations
- Warning Triangle configurations
- Logo configurations
- Grill configurations
- Fenders weights configurations
- Beacon configurations
- Motor block model configurations
- Exhaust Configurations
- Warning signs configurations
- Work Lights configurations
- Reginster Plate configurations
- Mirrors configurations
- Horn configurations
- Weights style configurations
- Lights style configurations
- Wheel weights configurations
- Tools configurations
- New cab details
- Hydraulic cylinders for IC door and window
- New IC animations
- Cab details with separate lights
- Reverse lights with custom sound
- New, high quality decals
- vechicleShader: Dust and Dirt effects
- Emissive lights effect for all halogens
- IC for front Hydraulic
- New rear fenders
- New Stering column
- New attachers
- Work and Reginster plate lights on IC
- Proper tanks and ladder parts for old 8R
- PTO on IC - true animation!
- Fan with animation (IC)
- Mirrior add (IC)
- New, detalied grill with both-side textures
- Tire Tracks for all wheels Options
- Better Vibirations effect
- Vibirations: motor
- separate script for every single part, Exhaust, cab, mirrors, ladder, Warning signs, beacon, window, door, light bar, lights, Starfire3000, tanks,
Version 2.0.0
Administrator -
12. November 2018 um 17:05 -