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Fendt Vario 900
Price: 156.000€
Power: 305hp
-Power or Profi variant
-Tire configuration
-RuL changeable
Engine configuration:
-Fendt Vario 930 Profi
-Fendt Vario 930 Power
-Fendt Vario 936 Profi
-Fendt Vario 936 Power
-Fendt Vario 939 Profi
-Fendt Vario 939 Power
- Open the door with the N key and close it with the J key
- Open rear window with key M and close with key K.
- Open the roof hatch with the Schift + N button and close the Schift + J button
- It can also control all movements with the mouse or the gamepad
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
5. Januar 2022 um 16:39 -