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In combination with modern agricultural equipment, the RSM 2000 Series can be used for a wide range of tasks.
The selection includes two tractors - RSM 2375 and RSM 2400.
Engine power is 380 and 405 hp. respectively.
Other technical characteristics of the mod:
The fuel tank holds 927 liters. This supply will last for a long time;
The speed depends on the specific model and configuration - 33-36 km / h;
Starting price - from 162,000 euros;
A choice of wheels for vehicles is available;
You can customize the weight distribution and choose different mounts. For example, a traction beam or a 3-point hitch;
A variety of stickers and decals are available.
For example, "300 years of Kuzbass" or "Yuri Gagarin";
Additional thermal insulation of the engine for efficient work in cold weather.
The RSM 2000 Series mod includes a PPO-40 front blade.
There are configurations for silage and snow. Working width 5 meters, price 5600 euros.
Version 1.0.0
Modbot -
31. Dezember 2021 um 16:18 -